I Close my eyes and wonder…
If it’s like this where you are:
Are the days long and full of sun?
The grass the greenest you’ve ever seen?
Are the flowers in full bloom?
The rivers crystal clean, And your bowl full of ice cream?
Is the “special of the day” pepperoni pizza?
Followed by a nap,
Or have you suddenly decided to be athletic,
And swim an extra lap?
I’m sure your paradise is amazing
And that you’ve met up with friends.
Back home we all miss you
And can’t wait to see you again!
Love you.

Author: bruiserbruno
Hi. I am Bruiser Bruno, a 7 yr. old American Bulldog who has lived the most wonderful life. Currently, I reside in beautiful NW Arkansas (alongside my soulmate and bestgirl, Daphne, and our four handsome and rambuncuous boys) with my wonderful parents, JD and Maricela. We all moved to Arkansas about three and a half years ago.But honestly, I would have to say that I consider myself a true Texan at heart- since that's where I mostly grew up. Yee-Haw! I am however originally from California. What can I say, I like to travel.
**Bruno's spirit was set free, as he crossed over Rainbow Bridge, on 12/31/12. He faced his battle with cancer stoicly & with awe-inspiring courage. No matter how bumpy the ride, it was one which I could have stayed on forever. I am grateful for "EVERY" moment I was lucky enough to have shared with him.
View all posts by bruiserbruno
What a beautiful poem!
Beautiful… and soooo true!!
So sweet. Has it gotten a millimeter easier in the last 2 months?
Yes it has. Thanks for asking. I still think of Bruno everyday and recall what he would be doing at certain instances throughout the day, each day. I still miss him terribly, but looking back at video and pictures hurts less. I find myself laughing more and crying less, although some days I laugh so much that I end up crying. The pain isn’t as sharp and I’ve come to understand that the languishing, incessant longing is due to the fact that I love him and he loved us, and that it will always be there. I wouldn’t want to get rid of those feelings for anything in the world, because it’s proof that he still lives in my heart.
This is beautiful Maricela! Did you write it?
Yes. Thanks. Just helps to talk to Bruno as I always have. He was such a tranquil, laid back, sun-worshipping, lover, and soul. This is how I picture him spending his days.
A beautiful poem and such gorgeous photos.
And you are so right. Unfortunately we can’t have this wonderful love without the pain. But it is worth every tear.
Your words are always so touching. I love reading your tributes to dear Bruno. He was so loved and loved you so deeply. I hope Cadence and Bruno are sharing a pepperoni pizza together. Take care.
I love the poem and I LOVE the picture of him laying on his back- I bet he is doing that with my Chili Dawg, and I am sure he and my Finchy are playing together at the bridge- they look like they would have been good friends.
Jenna mom to Spirit Chili Dawg & Spirit Monkeybutt Finchy and Monkeybutt Buster
Maricela I’ve been reading your posts and your writing brought me to tears. I remember when Oscar died and how painful that was and he still randomly pops into my mind and I miss him and yearn for him. From reading your post, I think you should consider being a writer, you have a gift of expression. Love you.