Bruno was so much more than a pet or even a dog, at least, to me. His soul and essence brought a sense of tranquility into my life. His cognac- colored eyes never failed to “get me”, and I especially loved the flecks of amber and gold that shown (in his barely squinting eyes) as he would bask on a warm, afternoon; his face tilted towards the sun. He was a sun-worshipper. He was a lover. And…he taught me how to love, live, and relish in the smallest, simplest of ordinary, blessed moments which too many of us allow to pass by, unnoticed, each day.
Bruno awakened emotions within me which I had yet to experience & understand prior to him entering my life. He revealed, to me, a side of myself which I had yet to know even existed & Which, I am certain, would have remained dormant within me had it not been for him.
EIGHT months have gone by since he’s been gone.
EIGHT months.
And…they haven’t been at all easy. Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of Bruno and wish that he were still here. WISH-that just somehow we could be together; just, once more. Nothing is the same. But, I thank God for the journey and the lessons of love, strength, courage, hope, and fortitude I was taught when he was by my side.
Bruno, we love you and miss you so much. You are always with me and forever in my heart and mind.